
How to maintain harmony between places and colors
Visually, colors are key to giving harmony and freshness to a structure, and also to emphasize, and give illusions that a place is bigger, wider, deeper, or higher, the issue is knowing how to play between lights and colors.
The range of colors is very wide, we can create thousands of combinations and designs. Colors can influence our state of mind and the sensations that we can feel in the place where we live. We at Casanova Painting have been painting for over 20 years and let us tell you, we have seen many trends come and go.
Now we will explain a little about them:
1- Light colors like; white, beige, champagne, and light yellow, among others, provide comfort, tranquility, light, and spaciousness, they are ideal for any type of space. Offices are usually done in those tones.
2- Vibrant colors; such as orange, green, red, hot pink, etc., are used to visually enliven spaces and add personality to them, transmitting joy and vividness, and are ideal when combined with neutral colors. Nurseries and daycares are usually painted with these colors in mind. We at Casanova have done some funky things.
3- Dark colors; such as grey, black, and brown, with a good combination can give a feeling of maturity, elegance, and mystery, they are excellent for giving depth since they do not absorb the same light as light colors. Restaurants and bars are good examples of that.
It is very useful to know what type of color goes well with us and our space, in order to be able to use our creativity and vision embodied in them.
Please feel free to reach out to us, and we will help you choose colors to match your creativity and explore a wide range of ideas to make your house into your home.